A little background and key dates on the journey to ‘now’ and how we all got here, from Earth, to mankind, to religion/culture, to the continents… and finally to the two most important little creatures in my own life.
14 billion years ago: Big bang
4.6 billion years ago: Earth’s creation
3.5 billion years ago: Life forms
200,000 years ago: Homo-Sapiens arrive at the party
2,000 years ago: Birth of Christ
7/8/04: Brayden Gregory Stroh is born
3/14/06: Brooke Sabal Stroh drops
7/25/15: Stroh family embarks on an exploration of our world
Here are some great videos explaining how we got to this point:
Planet Earth formation:
Tectonics, and the formation of our current seven continents:
Human evolution:
Spread of the five major world religions:
And to put things into a depressing perspective showing our species irrelevance, here’s a 24-hour clock showing progress of life on Earth (thanks Cindy and Ariel, I think?):
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